March 12, 2025

Season 35 of Gardening Australia resumes on ABC this Friday.

Gardening Australia returns with more practical, realistic, and credible horticultural and gardening advice, inspiring Australian gardeners.

Costa meets a community of resilient gardeners growing food together as they recover from major floods. Jane gets a sneak peek at new varieties of colourful flowers being trialled at a huge production nursery for use in the home garden.

Tammy explores a garden with four distinct lush green walls, featuring an assortment of subtropical plants suited to vertical growing. Millie plants long season crops, including spuds, oca and shallots, for a bountiful harvest.

Sophie showcases a range of sweet-scented, cool season flowers for adding fragrance to the garden.

Jerry shows how to control erinose mites on hibiscus, and we meet Christine and Will Ashburner, a couple growing a dazzling array of the ever-cheerful daffodil.

7:30pm Friday on ABC.

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