March 5, 2025

As a grassfire tore through a derelict amusement park in Sydney’s south-west, its owner watched from home as his beloved park went up in flames.

Gary O’Neil’s Adventure Land in Edmondson Park caught alight just before 2pm yesterday, quickly spreading to an emergency-level blaze.

The park was a local favourite in the 1970s and 80s before it closed in the late 90s.

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”I thought by watching the television [that] the whole lot would be burnt, but the fire brigade told me there were 80 to 100 firemen … they did an amazing job,” O’Neil said.

While some of the equipment in the park was destroyed, other bits were untouched by the flames.

The rides are still used by O’Neil’s touring carnivals.

“There’s probably 30 rides all in good condition not affected by the fire at all, so they’ll be at the easter show.”

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Today fire crews were cleaning up the burnt site.

Police are investigating reports that the fire started at three ignition points, which is rare but a possibility, according to Fire and Rescue NSW Captain Brady Clarke.

“I’ve seen it before in the job, but yes it is unusual,” Clarke said.

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