March 4, 2025

A woman has been left “upset and angry” after her Brisbane home was ransacked in broad daylight by teenagers.

Hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of sentimental jewellery and designer handbags were stolen from Sussan Lam’s Stretton home.

Footage shows the moment a hooded figure climbs the front fence, looks inside, then returns with another person armed with a crowbar.

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Using the crowbar, the two forced their way inside the house in full view of other homes.

They proceeded to walk up the stairs, rummaging through rooms as they went.

Cameras inside the home captured their conversation.

Throughout 20 minutes, their sights were set on expensive jewellery including an engagement ring and a collection of designer handbags.

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Lam said the theft had left her unable to sleep.

“They just went through all the bedrooms,” she said.

“It was a mess in every single bedroom.”

Nobody was home at the time.

After bagging what they could and leaving an enormous mess, one person forced the gate open, loaded their car and sped off. 

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It is estimated they fled with almost $300,000 worth of possessions.

“We’ve worked hard for the things we’ve done,” Lam said.

Lam’s property is fenced off, her gates were locked, and her front door was secured.

Despite good home security, two barking dogs and more than half a dozen cameras, the two thieves were not deterred.

“They’ll do anything they can to get in. They don’t care because they’re determined to steal your stuff,” Lam said.

Lam is praying she can somehow get her belongings back.

She appealed for anyone to keep an eye out for her missing items online and at pawnbrokers.

Police are still searching for the two thieves.

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