September 20, 2024

Q+A will broadcast from Sydney next week with a Housing Special.

It’s a basic right – a roof over our heads – that’s become one of the greatest social and public policy challenges of our times.

There’s a crippling shortage of housing in Australia – and we’re falling behind ambitious build targets. Interest rates are stuck high and straining mortgage-holders. Owning has become a vital nest egg and lucrative investment for some, but out of reach for many. Renters are crying out for cost relief and legal protection.

On Q+A, the federal minister and shadow responsible go head-to-head on your questions. And two of the sharpest economic and policy minds help break down the problem – and advocate solutions that could really make a difference.


Clare O’Neil Minister for Housing & Homelessness
Michael Sukkar Shadow Minister for Housing & Homelessness
Aruna Sathanapally Grattan Institute CEO
Alan Kohler Finance journalist & commentator

Monday, September 9 at 9.35pm on ABC.

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