Melbourne’s worst suburbs for speeding and red light offences have been named and shamed as police try to prevent risky and potentially deadly behaviour on our roads.
It comes as the road toll continues to spiral out of control.
In one video, the light is clearly red but the motorist drives straight in front of oncoming traffic, narrowly missing pedestrians.
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In another, a truck takes a risky gamble during peak hour.
Time and time again, drivers play a dangerous game of traffic light Russian roulette.
“There’s too much disrespect,” Police Minister Anthony Carbines said.
According to new data the worst offenders are visitors to the state.
“That’s 88 per cent of non-local Victorians who are getting pinged for speed cameras and speed, and red lights across our state,” Carbines said.
More than 186,000 fines were handed out across 15 hotspot areas including Heidelberg, the CBD, Footscray, Sunshine West, Rowville and Frankston.
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“Wherever you’re driving on our roads, it is not enough to just obey the law where you think you know where the cameras are,” Carbines said.
Almost 200 lives have been lost on Victorian roads so far this year and despite endless campaigning speed continues to be a major factor in fatal collisions.
“We know that people think travelling a few K over the speed limit is okay. It’s not,” Transport Accident Commission road safety head Samantha Cockfield said.
” … Travelling just five kilometres over the speed limit, in a 60 kilometre zone actually doubles your crash risk.”
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