UK drama Better starring Leila Farzad, Andrew Buchan & Samuel Edward-Cook has a Free to Air premiere tonight on ABC.
This is a five part series which debuted in the UK in February 2023 and on Foxtel last year.
A phone call interrupts Lou’s evening out at the pub, once again she’s got to clear up the mess of Col McHugh – a powerful crime boss. But this time, for the very first time, she’s clearing up a murder
Triggered by finding her son at home seriously ill with meningitis, she wakes up to the fact that, to put it simply, she’s bad. She’s been a corrupt policewoman working for Col for too long and what started as minor, little favours and cover ups has spiralled out of control. Better is her redemption story. She fights to atone – refusing Col’s orders, correcting historical misdeeds…. before reaching the conclusion that Col himself is the highest expression of her corruption and her redemption won’t be complete until she brings him down. Better is the epic battle for the soul of one woman and her family – a messy, human, crime-filled story about Lou’s redemption.
Better is a fast-paced and utterly compelling thriller, shot through with wit and humour, that explores the complex and powerful bonds of loyalty and family, set in a world where everyone has their own version of “right” and “wrong”. Examining the power of human conscience and the need for redemption, Better examines the ties that bind, the ties that define, and the ties that break.
9:20pm Sunday September 15 on ABC.
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