March 10, 2025

This week on Better Homes & Gadens, Johanna & Pete are in Caringbah, Dr. Harry meets a Labradoodle emotional support dog and Graham has tips to keep veggies and flowers shaded and cool.

Johanna + Pete – A View Of Caringbah
If you’re looking for a place to bring up a family, wouldn’t it be nice to be close to the city, beaches, waterways and parks? Well, Caringbah in Sydney’s Sutherland Shire has all that and affordable housing to boot. Joh and Pete explore this family-friendly suburb to discover the mix of amenities, space, greenery and safety the Sutherland Shire affords without being too disconnected from the rest of Sydney. Join Joh and Pete and see if Caringbah might be right for your family.

Adam – The Blooming Table
Graham, Melissa and Charlie aren’t the only ones that can make things blossom. Adam’s going to build a table that blooms from an occasional table into a coffee table. Using just a few off the shelf items, he’ll use some basic DIY skills to create a table with three “petals” that fan out to become a bigger table. It’s cute, it’s compact and best of all, it’s versatile.

Colin – Pork Chops with Apple Sauce, Brussels Sprouts & Walnuts
Spring is here and that means more time out in the garden, which means more time to cook using Colin’s favourite method… the barbecue. But he’s not just cooking any old dish, Colin’s cooking one of his favourite meats, pork, and combining it with brussels sprouts, walnuts and apple sauce. If you don’t think you like sprouts, Colin is about to change your mind with all the smoky goodness the barbecue provides. This is a restaurant quality dish cooked at your place. Welcome to a Fassnidge Spring!

Graham – Beat Plant Stress
As we come out of winter and the weather warms up, beating plant stress to ensure our gardens don’t just survive, but thrive, is a priority. With this in mind, Graham has a few tips to help you out, like improving your soil, knowing when to water and how to use the latest science to help. But he also has a very low-tech solution to keeping your veggies and flowers shaded and cool. With Graham’s help, your garden will love the warmer weather as much as you do.

Charlie – Snake Plant Profile
You might not think gardening and fashion have much in common, but gardening is having a retro moment, like fashion often does. Right now, Sansevieria, which you might know as Snake Plant or the even less complimentary Mother-In-Laws-Tongue, is making a comeback. Charlie’s going to profile this hardy plant, exploring the many varieties to choose from and how easy they are to care for. It might be an old-fashioned plant, but Charlie will show you how great it can look in a modern garden.

Melissa – Grow Your Own Secondary Potted Colour
Spring has sprung and Melissa is going to show you how to refresh your courtyard/patio with potted plants perfect for that smaller outdoor space. Not only will veggies, herbs and colourful flowers look beautiful, but provide edible options for your kitchen too. One of her favourite gardening tips is companion planting, so find out which flowers go with what herbs and veggies to produce the best results. If you’re not sure what plants to pick, Melissa also has some great theme ideas, planting herbs that work great as pizza toppings. Perfect for a family pizza night!

Juliet – Bling Your Bag
If your bag’s getting a bit worn, or you’re just looking to give it some new style, Juliet has some chic ideas to give it a makeover. With a little ingenuity and using some items that you possibly have lying around home, these mini fashion hacks are a low-cost, creative and sustainable way to stay ahead in fashion. So, when your bag’s getting old, don’t fling it, bling it!

Dr Harry – Sammy The School Support Dog
Meet Sammy, the newest student at North Curl Curl Primary School. Sammy is a one-year-old Labradoodle and owned by two of the teachers. He’s an emotional support dog who helps anxious, stressed or worried students by just being there. On top of his regular training, he’s also undergone special training, being socialised to the sights, smells and sounds of the school, visiting kids in classrooms, sick bay and even helping the teachers in the staff room. He’s been a wonderfully positive addition to the school and while his reading and writing skills leave bit to be desired, his people skills are top of the class!

Colin – Berry Clafoutis
Our resident Irishman’s going to cook a delicious dessert that’s like a Yorkshire pudding that went on holiday to France. The Clafoutis is a crustless tart that traditionally features cherries, but today, Colin’s using raspberries and blueberries. It goes beautifully with ice cream or Crème Fraiche and is so easy, it’s a great way to get into the art of dessert cooking.

7pm Friday on Seven / 7TWO

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