March 7, 2025

The out-of-control bushfire in Sydney’s north has been downgraded to watch and act level.

Conditions across the fire ground have begun to ease, as firefighters and aircraft have started to gain the upper hand.

NSW Rural Fire Service reported a fire on Meatworks Avenue at Oxford Falls moving in an easterly direction towards Maybrooke Avenue.

There is still the risk of an ember attack in the Cromer Heights area, with residents in Pinduro Place, Jersey Place, Maybrook Avenue, Lady Penryhn Drive. and Kirrang Street told to remain alert.

Firefighters and waterbombing aircraft are working in the area to slow the spread of the fire.

No property loss or damage has been reported so far.

There are still some hours to go until the fire is contained, according to the RFS.

The RFS advises anyone in the area to actively monitor their property for burning embers.

Residents near Maybrook Retirement Village were earlier told to prepare.

At one point, three aged care homes were threatened by the fire.

Fire crews from across Sydney were called to the scene, with more than 280 firefighters deployed to the blaze.

Twenty vehicles and two aircraft were sent to help their efforts.

Two aircraft have also been deployed.

“The fire burned quite closely to homes and retirement villages,” RFS Inspector Ben Shepherd said.

He said it was good to see that affected properties had cleared a good area around their homes.

The public have been asked not to fly drones nearby as it could interfere with the firefighting operation.

NSW Ambulance Services have multiple paramedics at the scene on standby.

So far no injuries have been reported.

More than 80 hectares of bushland had been burnt by 4pm, according to NSW RFS.

The fire began when a hazard reduction burn in the area jumped across containment lines earlier this afternoon.

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A thick plume of smoke could be seen across the Northern Beaches.

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