March 7, 2025

Star ABC presenter Tony Armstrong has recorded voice-overs for NRMA advertisements which appears to be at odds with ABC Editorial Policy.

Media Watch last night revealed ABC management was not aware one of its high-profile presenters was behind the ads.

ABC Editorial Policy states that any external work by a high profile presenter is considered “very high risk.”

“The voiceover was done without the ABC’s knowledge, this was due to a misunderstanding with Tony’s external representation,” ABC told Media Watch.

“They have been provided a copy of the external work guidelines and reminded all ABC employees are required to meet them. Tony is a high valued employee and has the ABC’s full support.”

Guest host Janine Perrett  said, “How any ABC reporter can voice a commercial for one of the biggest brands in Australia and not think that is a conflict is beyond us.

“If this is not a breach of the guidelines on external work, which says you must seek approval from above, we don’t know what is.”

ABC did not answer questions posed around whether any further action will be taken or whether other ABC staff were involved in commercial advertising work outside the ABC.

Questions posed by Media Watch:

1. Did the ABC know that Tony Armstrong is the voice of the NRMA ads?
2. Did the ABC give Tony Armstrong approval to do this commercial advertising campaign?
3. If the ABC did give approval, why is it OK for a high-profile TV presenter/journalist to be doing commercial advertising work?
4. If the ABC didn’t give approval, what action will be taken now?
5. How much was Tony Armstrong paid for this NRMA gig?
6. Does the ABC believe this kind of commercial advertising work is an appropriate side-hustle for ABC journalists / presenters / employees?
7. Are other ABC presenters / journalists doing commercial advertising work outside the ABC and if they are, can you please provide details of that?
8. Given that Tony Armstrong is now doing commercial advertising work, is the announcement this week that he’s leaving ABC News Breakfast an indication that he will be leaving the ABC to pursue a commercial media career?

“Tony Armstrong did not respond to our request for comment but with his ABC contract up this Friday, maybe it’s the start of his commercial TV or advertising career,” said Perrett.

“But it’s a shame this moonlighting at the expense of the ABC’s integrity is what we’re talking about in his final week on the News Breakfast couch.”

Tony Armstrong wraps on News Breakfast this Friday.

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