February 26, 2025

SBS has previously brought us documentaries about arranged marriages through documentaries such as Marry Me, Marry My Family and Indian Wedding Race but now it forms the backdrop of a new drama, Four Years Later.

Unashamedly, the series positions itself as a Romance. While Streaming seems to embrace them in shows such as Normal People, Heartstopper, Outlander, and Virgin River, it’s something of a rarity of late in the Free to Air space. Indeed as an SBS drama, I kept waiting for the issue-based plot to rear its head.

Refreshingly, while culture is ever-present in Mithila Gupta’s 8 x 30 min series, it isn’t overwhelmed by matters of politics, race or immigration.

Rather, the focus is on young couple Sridevi (Shahana Goswami) and Yash (Akshay Ajit Singh), how they meet, how they connect and subsequently disconnect.

The narrative traverses several time periods including when they meet in Jaipur via family introduction, then a 4 year reunion in Australia, and the time in between.

Despite parental approval, Sri and Yash do not exactly sizzle at first, but Sri’s quick dismissal of Yash gets the better of his curiosity. Further courting and dates address whether she is playing hard to get, ultimately leading to a traditional wedding.

But there has always been pressure on Yash to pursue his medical career for which the family has made great financial sacrifice. When he is accepted into a Sydney hospital it’s clear the newlyweds will be separated – it’s decided Sri will only serve as a ‘distraction.’ Charming.

“It’s important for my family that I succeed… I really have to succeed.” – Yash
“Isn’t there so much more to life than just work? For me I want love. Big love.” – Sri

From there the series fast forward to, well, Four Years Later, when a struggling Yash has summoned Sri to join him on the south coast of NSW -but what has changed in the intervening time?

There is excitement, fear, doubts, work pressure, isolation and much to explore. With characters as forthright as Sri and Yash this is also a torrid storyline that could pivot in any direction, and that’s just where Gupta leads….

Added to the human emotions of love, separation and dreams is the cultural clash of Australia and India. The beach backdrop is intoxicating (all the water scenes are beautifully shot) but there is isolation, a different set of values and social behaviour. Can you hold onto your ideals, or are there compromises to be made -and what of leaps into the unknown?

Under directors Mohini Herse and Fadia Abboud the series is held delicately together thanks to two very alluring leads all but baring their souls. Shahana Goswami as Sri yearns for family as well as independence, bringing passion, strength and resolve. Akshay Ajit Singh as Yash is full of ambition but there are flaws and flashes of pride and weakness.

The series also features Kate Box, Luke Arnold and Roy Joseph as part of the Australian ensemble.

While it is dressed in tradition and family expectations, the series challenges conventions with a very modern outlook. There is steamy sex before marriage, swimming in the ocean in underwear, and even a reference to a sl*t drop dance move at an Indian wedding. Marigold Hotel this ain’t…

But it’s also not a Bollywood perspective. Mithila Gupta’s script feels authentic to the Indian Australian experience whilst injecting premium drama twists and turns. This makes it one of SBS’ most satisfying dramas in some time.

Ultimately Four Years Later could be any of us, torn apart by a four year separation and how we evolve or survive such duress.

Four Years Later screens in double episodes 9:20pm Wednesday 2 October (all 8 episodes at SBS on Demand).

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