October 12, 2024

Australian Story profiles teacher Hannah Grundy victim of a cybercrime close to home.

A mysterious email, a shocking revelation and the ultimate betrayal.

When high school teacher Hannah Grundy clicked on a suspicious-looking email three years ago she had no idea where it would lead or the impact it would have on her life.

She saw dozens of shocking images, digitally altered to superimpose her face on naked women’s bodies, and row upon row of text describing ways to harm her.

“I was just so scared that my brain just said, to keep me safe I cannot see any more of that website,” says Hannah.

Through a process of elimination, Hannah and her partner Kris discovered who was behind the sickening cybercrime. The betrayal was close to home.

“I thought he was someone that really cared about me, and I cared about him,” says Hannah.
And there were other victims.

In this modern tale of internet treachery, Australian Story goes behind-the-scenes of the couple’s epic fight for justice and a dramatic court showdown.

8pm Monday on ABC.

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