March 14, 2025

Authorities have issued a serious warning over cannabis-laced gummies after a child was hospitalised north of Canberra. 

The child was in and out of consciousness and vomited after consuming one last month, police said.

Police allege the child bought the gummies on social media from a 24-year-old Vietnamese national, who was charged with drug and vape trafficking offences on Saturday.

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Inspector Nigel Booth warned parents to be on the lookout for the gummies as police believe the accused man allegedly conducted about 150 deals, mostly with school children, just last week.

“Given the reckless way these gummies are being produced, the potency and ingredients of the gummies could be anything,” he said.

“Police are very concerned as we believe that people, including children, are still in possession of these gummies.

“We would encourage parents to speak to their children and discuss the potentially harmful impacts that these drugs can pose. If you have them – hand them into your closest police station.”

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Meanwhile, the Vietnamese national has since faced court after he was arrested while sitting in his blue Hyundai Elantra on Friday.

Police alleged they had caught him conducting several exchanges from his car across the territory – most of them with teenagers in school uniforms.

The man is believed to be responsible for significant illegal vape and cannabis distribution in the territory, with analysis of bank statements showing deposits totaling almost $6500 over a recent three-day period.

Officers searched his car and home in Franklin, where they allegedly found and seized more than 650 vapes, about 800 cannabis gummies and almost 600 grams of cannabis along with cash and other equipment.

This is the first time a person has been charged with supply and possession of vaping goods in the territory.

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