October 5, 2024

A Gold Coast couple has been left outraged and heartbroken after thieves stole a tiara from the grave of their three-year-old daughter.

Lorraine and David Conway’s daughter Brittney passed away in 2020 and her tiara was considered a priceless keepsake. 

“I’m still quite shaken about it, just feeling disbelief that somebody’s actually taken it,” Lorraine told Today this morning. 

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David said when he noticed the tiara wasn’t in its lockbox at Mudgeeraba Cemetery he called his wife, assuming she had taken it home to clean. 

“I said, ‘Have you taken Britney’s tiara?’ and she said, ‘No’, and I said, ‘Well, it’s gone’,” David said.

Lorraine said in a post on Facebook the headpiece was special because it had been resting on Britney’s bed before her family laid her to rest.

The heartbroken mother said she was pleading with whoever took the tiara to return it.

“I don’t want anyone to get into trouble. I just want the tiara returned,” she said.

“It’s not going to do anything for anybody else but us as a family.”

Lorraine said while she hadn’t had any leads yet, the response from her local community after she shared the devastating news of the theft had been “heartwarming”.

“[We’ve had] people wanting to donate money to buy a new one, or donate their tiaras,” she said. 

“I have two gentlemen now that want to donate $1,000 each to return her tiara. 

“So it’s been so heartwarming, but we still haven’t had anything returned.”

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