October 22, 2024

Former Home & Away actor Orpheus Pledger has been released on bail as he awaits sentencing, after pleading guilty to repeatedly assaulting a woman earlier this year.

Melbourne Magistrates’ Court magistrate Justin Foster said it could take up to six weeks to receive a full report from corrective services which he needs ahead of sentencing.

Although the police prosecutor referred to an “unacceptable risk element” the magistrate felt the risk could be mitigated.

Lawyer Jasper MacCuspie also successfully convinced the court Pledger’s mental health had stabilised after taking new medication.

Pledger, 31, will stay with his father who lives on the Victoria / NSW border in Wahgunyah.

Magistrate Justin Foster granted strict bail with a number of conditions. He is required to report to police once a week and is unable to leave the home between 11pm and 6am.

“Make sure you comply,” the magistrate directed.

“Yes, your honour,” Pledger replied.

Pledger was released after spending 96 days in custody but declined to speak to awaiting press.

He will be sentenced on August 16.

Source: news.com.au

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